Chapter 5. Classes and Structures
The first programming language that I learned was BASIC. It was a good language to begin programming with, but once I traded in my Commodore Vic-20 for a PCjr (yes I had a PCjr and I really enjoyed it) I realized that there were other, more advanced languages out there and I spent a lot of time learning Pascal and C. It wasn't until I started college that I heard the term Object Oriented Language. At that time, Object Oriented languages were so new that there were no real courses on them yet, but I was able to experiment a little with C++. After I graduated, I left Object Oriented programming behind and it really wasn't until several years later, when I started to experiment with C++ again, that I really discovered the power and flexibility of Object Oriented programming.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
- Creating and using classes and structures
- Adding properties and property observers to classes and structures
- Adding...