Jenkins and Artifactory
Jfrog's Artifactory (and Sonatype Nexus) have been pivotal advocates for Continuous Delivery implementations for some time now. Artifactory provides a set of centrally configurable repositories, which can be leveraged to facilitate uploading, storing, downloading, and fetching build packages, Docker containers (Docker registries through Artifactory requires the Pro version), and binary assets. Implementing an Artifactory based solution (or similar tool) can assist in maturing SCM processes by ensuring that binary outputs of build processes are backed up, managed, and available across diverse development teams, sales representatives, or ancillary staff.
In addition to Artifactory acting as a DML and organizing a binary asset collection, an Artifact repository solution provides an easily automated central source of truth for all things binary (including dependencies). This allows Artifactory to effectively manage dependencies, and makes them automatable (via Maven, IVY...