Chapter 4. Let's Keep Going! Adding More Functionality
We got a lot accomplished in the last chapter! We figured out level creation, importing our levels into Xcode and getting them and our player all showing up in our game. Are you well rested and ready to tackle even more programming awesomeness? Let's see what we will do in this chapter:
- Adding awesome sound effects
- Character animations
- Playing with particles
- Menus
- Adding some enemies
Our game looks pretty awesome, but there's still tons of work to be completed before we can even remotely consider releasing it!
Let's get into it, shall we?
First things first, we ended the last chapter we had just discussed winning the level, and dying during the level, however if you tested it and you died or beat the level and clicked on the replay button, did the game crash? That's because we need to add one final method:
- (void)replay:(id)sender { [[self.view viewWithTag:321] removeFromSuperview]; [self.view presentScene...