Introducing App Clips
App Clips allow users to discover an app in a fast and lightweight manner. With App Clips, a user can quickly use a feature of your app without having the app installed on their phone. An App Clip is a small set of features from your app that can be discovered and used without the user having your app installed. Users can open your App Clip by using different triggers, such as QR codes, NFC tags, links in Messages, places in Maps, and Smart Banners in websites. The App Clip will pop up on the user's home screen as an overlay called an App Clip Card. The App Clip Card describes what your App Clip does so that the user can choose to either open and use the App Clip or dismiss it. Let's look at an example of what an App Clip Card looks like:
Figure 14.1 – App Clip Card
As shown in the preceding screenshot, an App Clip Card is an overlay on the user's home screen that displays the following:
- A header image, describing...