Exploring the example domain
The examples in this chapter and the next chapter will mostly be based on the EventHub solution. So, it is essential to understand the domain first. Chapter 4, Understanding the Reference Solution, has already explained the solution. You can check it if you want to refamiliarize yourself with the application and the solution structure. Here, we will explore the technical details and the domain objects.
The following list introduces and explains the main concepts of the domain:
- Event is the root object that represents an online or in-person event. An event has a title, description, start time, end time, registration capacity (optional), and a language (optional) as the main properties.
- An event is created (organized) by an Organization. Any User in the application can create an organization and organize events within that organization.
- An event can have zero or more Tracks with a track name (typically a simple label such as 1, 2, 3 or...