Chapter 7. Material on Other Devices
So far, this book has been primarily concerned with material for handheld devices such as phones and tablets. This is largely due to the fact that Android Studio is purpose built and comes with a myriad of material tools, making it ideal for learning Material Design principles.
Of course, material is far from limited to these devices, or even Google devices, and is now appearing on a growing number of platforms including an increasing number of iOS applications.
Having mastered the fundamentals of Material Design, we can now take a look at how it is applied across a wide variety of form factors, ranging from the minute screens of wearables, right up to the 10 feet of many TV devices.
In this chapter, you will learn how to:
- Run the TV project template
- Include an application banner to the home screen
- Apply manifest permissions and feature uses
- Implement the Leanback Support Library
- Understand TV application structure
- Create a recommendation card
- Pair a...