- Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) / Java applet (client side) and servlet (server side)
- adapters directory / Directories structure
- Add & Plot button / Using Highcharts APIs, Getting data in Ajax and displaying new series with Chart.addSeries
- Add button / Plot averaging series from displayed stocks series
- addSeries event / Plot averaging series from displayed stocks series
- addSeries function / Plot averaging series from displayed stocks series
- addSeries method / Plot averaging series from displayed stocks series, addSeries
- Adobe Shockwave Flash (client side)
- about / Adobe Shockwave Flash (client side)
- advantages / Adobe Shockwave Flash (client side)
- disadvantages / Adobe Shockwave Flash (client side)
- Ajax query, top-level chart
- launching, with chart load event / Launching an Ajax query with the chart load event
- align property, chart label properties / Chart label properties
- allowDecimals option / Introducing line charts
- allowPointSelect / Configuring the pie with sliced off sections
- allowPointSelect option / Constructing the series configuration for a top-level chart
- amCharts / amCharts
- AppQoS
- about / A commercially Rich Internet Application with Highcharts – AppQoS
- area chart
- sketching / Sketching an area chart
- area spline chart
- about / Sketching an area chart
- automatic layout
- about / Experimenting with the automatic layout
- automatic layout, Highcharts layout
- about / Understanding Highcharts layouts
- Average line / Plot averaging series from displayed stocks series
- Axis.addPlotLine, Highchart APIs
- using / Using Axis.getExtremes and Axis.addPlotLine
- Axis.getExtremes, Highchart APIs
- using / Using Axis.getExtremes and Axis.addPlotLine
- axis class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- axis configuration
- about / Framing the chart with axes
- axis data type, accessing / Accessing the axis data type
- background, accessing / Adjusting intervals and background
- intervals, accessing / Adjusting intervals and background
- axis lines alignment, resolving issues / Adjusting intervals and background
- plot bands, using / Using plot lines and plot bands
- plot lines, using / Using plot lines and plot bands
- multiple axes, extending to / Extending to multiple axes
- axis data type
- accessing / Accessing the axis data type
- axis title alignment / Axis title alignment
- bar charts
- about / Introducing column charts, Introducing bar charts
- looks, modifying / Giving the bar chart a simpler look
- baseLength option / Gauge series – dial and pivot
- baseWidth option / Gauge series – dial and pivot
- callback / Comparison between the approaches
- callback function / Highcharts constructor – Highcharts.Chart
- callback handler, too; tips
- using / Using the callback handler
- canvas
- about / Canvas
- code, example / Canvas
- categories option / Directories structure
- center option / Building a chart with multiple series types, Extending to multiple panes
- chart
- multiple plies, plotting / Plotting multiple pies in a chart – multiple series
- building, with multiple series type / Building a chart with multiple series types
- polishing, with fonts and colors / Polishing the chart with fonts and colors
- Chart.addSeries, Highcharts APIs
- new series, displaying / Getting data in Ajax and displaying new series with Chart.addSeries
- about / Getting data in Ajax and displaying new series with Chart.addSeries
- using, to reinsert series with new data / Using Series.remove and Chart.addSeries to reinsert series with new data
- chart.alignTicks option / Managing axes with different scales
- chart.animation option / Setting up a Highcharts export example on the client side
- handler / Highcharts constructor – Highcharts.Chart
- Chart.get method, Highcharts components / Navigating through Highcharts components
- using / Using the Chart.get method
- and object hierarchy, using / Using the object hierarchy and Chart.get method
- Chart.getSelectedPoints, Highchart APIs
- using / Using Chart.getSelectedPoints and Chart.renderer methods
- Chart.getSVG, Highcharts APIs
- SVG data, extracting / Extracting SVG data with Chart.getSVG
- chart.getSVG method / Setting up a Highcharts export example on the client side
- chart.inverted option / Extending to multiple series line charts, Introducing bar charts
- chart.polar option / Converting a spline chart to a polar/radar chart
- Chart.renderer methods, Highchart APIs
- using / Using Chart.getSelectedPoints and Chart.renderer methods
- chart.selectionMarkerFill option / Zooming the selected area with the chart selection event
- chart.showLoading method / Getting data in Ajax and displaying new series with Chart.addSeries
- chart class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- chart click event, detail chart
- applying / Applying the chart click event
- chart component / Configuration structure
- chartConfig option / Module APIs
- chartConfig property / Module APIs
- chart configurations, Highcharts APIs
- about / Chart configurations
- chart draw event, top-level chart
- user interface, activating / Activating the user interface with the chart redraw event
- chart label properties
- about / Chart label properties
- align property / Chart label properties
- floating property / Chart label properties
- margin property / Chart label properties
- verticalAlign property / Chart label properties
- x property / Chart label properties
- y property / Chart label properties
- subtitle alignment / Title and subtitle alignments
- title alignment / Title and subtitle alignments
- legend alignment / Legend alignment
- axis title alignment / Axis title alignment
- credits alignment / Credits alignment
- chart load event, top-level chart
- Ajax query, launching / Launching an Ajax query with the chart load event
- chart margin setting
- about / Chart margins and spacings
- chart object / Introducing Highcharts events
- ChartOptions object / Rhino and Batik (Java solution)
- chartOptions parameter / Extracting SVG data with Chart.getSVG
- charts
- sticking together / Sticking the charts together
- chart selection event
- used for zooming selected area / Zooming the selected area with the chart selection event
- class model, Highcharts
- about / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- series class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- chart class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- renderer class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- axis class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- point class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- click event / Highcharts in touch screen environments, Plotting a Highcharts chart on mobile device, Building a dynamic content dialog with the point click event
- click event, detail chart
- plot line action, setting / Setting up a plot line action with the click event
- click event function / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- click event handler / Setting up a plot line action with the click event
- click handler / Building a dynamic content dialog with the point click event
- Color object / Preparing a donut chart – multiple series
- colors gradient
- about / Expanding colors with gradients
- linearGradient / Expanding colors with gradients
- stops / Expanding colors with gradients
- column charts
- about / Introducing column charts
- overlapped / Overlapped column chart
- grouping / Stacking and grouping a column chart
- stacking / Stacking and grouping a column chart
- stacked and single columns, mixing / Mixing the stacked and single columns
- columns in stacked percentage, comparing / Comparing the columns in stacked percentages
- colum colors and data labels, adjusting / Adjusting column colors and data labels
- columns
- in stacked percentage, comparing / Comparing the columns in stacked percentages
- colors, adjusting / Adjusting column colors and data labels
- Common Gateway Interface (CGI) / HTML image map (server-side technology)
- connectNulls option / Plotting charts with missing data
- constr / Comparison between the approaches
- contextify module / Installing Node and modules
- context menu, Highcharts extension
- displaying, on data point / Displaying a context menu by clicking on a data point
- createChart method / Plotting a Highcharts chart on mobile device
- createServer call / Starting the Node server and issuing a URL query
- credits.position property / Credits alignment
- credits alignment / Credits alignment
- crosshairs configuration / Styling the tooltips
- Customer Data Attributes / Understanding a mobile page structure
- CutyCapt tool / Applying server-side change
- <div> tag / Plotting multiple pies in a chart – multiple series
- dashStyle option / Styling the tooltips
- data
- drilling, with point click event / Drilling down for data with the point click event
- data field / Revisiting the series configuration
- dataIndex option / Example of using JsonStore and GridPanel
- data labels
- adjusting / Adjusting column colors and data labels
- dataLabels.distance option / Preparing a donut chart – multiple series
- dataLabels.formatter option / Configuring the pie with sliced off sections
- dataLabel settings / Introducing bar charts
- data point, detail chart
- hovering, with mouseOver point event / Hovering over a data point with the mouseOver and mouseOut point events
- hovering, with mouseOut point event / Hovering over a data point with the mouseOver and mouseOut point events
- data point, top-level chart
- uselecting with unselect events / Selecting and unselecting a data point with the point select and unselect events
- selecting with point select / Selecting and unselecting a data point with the point select and unselect events
- data points, Highchart APIs
- selecting / Selecting data points and adding plot lines
- updating, with Point.update / Updating data points with Point.update
- datetime scale / Plotting a speedometer gauge chart
- datetime type / Chart configurations
- deliverChart method / Extracting SVG data with Chart.getSVG
- detail chart
- about / Detail chart
- series configuration, constructing / Constructing the series configuration for the detail chart
- mouseOver, used for hovering over data point / Hovering over a data point with the mouseOver and mouseOut point events
- mouseOut, used for hovering over data point / Hovering over a data point with the mouseOver and mouseOut point events
- chart click event, applying / Applying the chart click event
- mouse cursor over plot lines, changing with mouseover event / Changing the mouse cursor over plot lines with mouseover event
- device properties
- detecting / Detecting device properties
- dial option / Gauge series – dial and pivot
- directories, Highcharts
- index.html / Directories structure
- examples / Directories structure
- graphics / Directories structure
- exporting-server / Directories structure
- is / Directories structure
- adapters / Directories structure
- themes / Directories structure
- donut chart
- preparing / Preparing a donut chart – multiple series
- donut charts, Highcharts extension
- plotting / Plotting donut charts
- draw method / draw
- duration, animation jQuery / Animating charts
- dynamic content dialog
- creating, with point click event / Building a dynamic content dialog with the point click event
- easing, animation jQuery / Animating charts
- examples directory / Directories structure
- exportChart method / Extracting SVG data with Chart.getSVG
- exporting-server directory / Directories structure
- exporting component / Configuration structure
- export modules / Event handling and export modules
- Ext.decode / Ajax
- Ext.onReady / Implementing and loading Ext JS code
- extension
- URL, for downloading / Short introduction to Sencha Ext JS
- Ext JS 4 Charts / Ext JS 4 Charts
- Ext JS code
- loading / Implementing and loading Ext JS code
- implementing / Implementing and loading Ext JS code
- Ext JS components
- about / A quick tour of Ext JS components
- Ext JS code, loading / Implementing and loading Ext JS code
- Ext JS code, implementing / Implementing and loading Ext JS code
- creating / Creating and accessing Ext JS components
- accessing / Creating and accessing Ext JS components
- viewport class / Using layout and viewport
- panel / Panel
- window / Window
- Ajax / Ajax
- store / Store and JsonStore
- JsonStore / Store and JsonStore
- Fiat 500 speedometer, twin dials chart
- plotting / Plotting a twin dials chart – a Fiat 500 speedometer
- fixed layout
- about / Experimenting with the fixed layout
- fixed layout, Highcharts layout
- about / Understanding Highcharts layouts
- flashVars / Adobe Shockwave Flash (client side)
- floating property / Title and subtitle alignments, Polishing a chart with an artistic style
- floating property, chart label properties / Chart label properties
- Flot / Flot and Flotr
- Flotr / Flot and Flotr
- fontWeight option / Configuring the pie with sliced off sections
- formatter function / Accessing the axis data type, Constructing a mirror chart
- formatter option / Introducing line charts
- formatWithLineBreakst method / Configuring the pie with sliced off sections
- FormPanel / FormPanel
- fs module / Preparing the PhantomJS script
- FusionCharts / FusionCharts
- fx option / Using a radial gradient on a gauge chart
- fy option / Using a radial gradient on a gauge chart
- -g option / Installing Node and modules
- gauge chart
- about / Loading gauge, polar, and range charts
- speedometer gauge chart, plotting / Plotting a speedometer gauge chart
- radial gradient, using / Using a radial gradient on a gauge chart
- gauge chart pane
- plotting / Plotting a gauge chart pane
- backgrounds, setting / Setting pane backgrounds
- axes with different scale, managing / Managing axes with different scales
- multiple panes, extending to / Extending to multiple panes
- gauge series
- dial and pivot / Gauge series – dial and pivot
- plotOptions.gauge.dial / Gauge series – dial and pivot
- plotOptions.gauge.pivot / Gauge series – dial and pivot
- gesturechange (pinch actions) event
- applying, to pie chart / Applying the gesturechange (pinch actions) event to a pie chart
- gesturestart event / Applying the gesturechange (pinch actions) event to a pie chart
- get method / Using the Chart.get method
- getSVG method / Extracting SVG data with Chart.getSVG, Running the Node-Highcharts module
- gold medals page
- loading up / Loading up the gold medals page
- gold_chart page block / Loading up the gold medals page
- Google Web Toolkit (GWT) / Short introduction to Sencha Ext JS
- graphics directory / Directories structure
- graph options
- switching, with jQuery Mobile dialog box / Switching graph options with the jQuery Mobile dialog box
- graph orientation
- switching, with orientationchange event / Switching graph orientation with the orientationchange event
- graph presentation
- changing, with swipeleft motion event / Changing the graph presentation with a swipeleft motion event
- GridPanel / GridPanel
- GridPanel content / Example of using JsonStore and GridPanel
- groupPadding / Overlapped column chart
- High & Low range series / Plotting range charts with market index data
- Highcharts
- about / Why Highcharts?, Understanding the relationship of chart, pie, and series
- and JavaScript frameworks / Highcharts and JavaScript frameworks
- using, under MooTools environment / Highcharts and JavaScript frameworks
- using, under prototype / Highcharts and JavaScript frameworks
- presentation / Presentation
- license / License
- APIs / Simple API model
- online documentation / Documentations
- openness (feature request with user voice) / Openness (feature request with user voice)
- tutorial / Highcharts – a quick tutorial
- directories, structure / Directories structure
- directories / Directories structure
- configuration, structure / Configuration structure
- layout / Understanding Highcharts layouts
- axis configuration / Framing the chart with axes
- animating / Animating charts
- line charts / Introducing line charts
- area charts / Sketching an area chart
- area spline chart / Sketching an area chart
- scatter series / Combining scatter and area series
- bar charts / Introducing column charts, Introducing bar charts
- column charts / Introducing column charts
- mirror chart / Constructing a mirror chart
- single bar chart / Converting a single bar chart into a horizontal gauge chart
- donut chart / Preparing a donut chart – multiple series
- source code and demo, URL / Preparing a donut chart – multiple series
- polar chart / Loading gauge, polar, and range charts
- gauge chart / Loading gauge, polar, and range charts
- range chart / Loading gauge, polar, and range charts
- gauge chart pane, plotting / Plotting a gauge chart pane
- class model / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- in touch screen environments / Highcharts in touch screen environments
- and jQuery Mobile integrating, Olympic Medals Table application used / Integrating Highcharts and jQuery Mobile using an Olympic medals table application
- Highcharts, running on server side
- about / Running Highcharts on the server side
- Xvfb and web browsers (Unix solution) used / Using Xvfb and web browsers (Unix solution)
- Highcharts export example, setting up on client side / Setting up a Highcharts export example on the client side
- Xvfb, installing / Installing Xvfb and a web browser
- web browser, installing / Installing Xvfb and a web browser
- Xvfb server, starting up / Starting up the Xvfb server
- Server-side Change, applying / Applying server-side change
- server task, running / Running the server task
- Rhino / Rhino and Batik (Java solution)
- Highcharts Server-side Export (HSE) / Rhino and Batik (Java solution)
- node, installing / Installing Node and modules
- modules, installing / Installing Node and modules
- node server, setting up / Setting up the Node server
- Node-Highcharts module, running / Running the Node-Highcharts module
- node server, starting / Starting the Node server and issuing a URL query
- URL query, issuing / Starting the Node server and issuing a URL query
- PhantomJS (headless webkit) / PhantomJS (headless webkit)
- series data script, preparing / Preparing the series data script
- PhantomJS Script, preparing / Preparing the PhantomJS script
- Highcharts.Chart
- about / Highcharts constructor – Highcharts.Chart
- Highcharts.Chart callback parameter / Highcharts constructor – Highcharts.Chart
- Highcharts.colors property / Extending to multiple axes
- Highcharts 3.0 / Comparison between the approaches
- Highcharts animation
- initial animation / Animating charts
- update animation / Animating charts
- duration, animation jQuery / Animating charts
- easing, animation jQuery / Animating charts
- Highcharts APIs
- about / Using Highcharts APIs
- chart configuration / Chart configurations
- new series, displaying with Chart.addSeries / Getting data in Ajax and displaying new series with Chart.addSeries
- multiple series, displaying with AJAX calls / Displaying multiple series with simultaneous Ajax calls
- multiple series, displaying with multiple series / Displaying multiple series with simultaneous Ajax calls
- SVG data, extracting with Chart.getSVG / Extracting SVG data with Chart.getSVG
- data point, selecting / Selecting data points and adding plot lines
- plot lines, adding / Selecting data points and adding plot lines
- Axis.addPlotLine, using / Using Axis.getExtremes and Axis.addPlotLine
- Axis.getExtremes method, using / Using Axis.getExtremes and Axis.addPlotLine
- Chart.renderer method, using / Using Chart.getSelectedPoints and Chart.renderer methods
- Chart.getSelectedPoints, using / Using Chart.getSelectedPoints and Chart.renderer methods
- series update, exploring / Exploring the series update
- continuous series update / Continuous series update
- Series.setData new data set, applying / Applying a new set of data with Series.setData
- Series.remove, used to reinsert series with new data / Using Series.remove and Chart.addSeries to reinsert series with new data
- Chart.addSeries, used to reinsert series with new data / Using Series.remove and Chart.addSeries to reinsert series with new data
- data points, updating with Point,update / Updating data points with Point.update
- points, adding with Series.addPoint / Removing and adding data points with Point.remove and Series.addPoint
- points, removing with Point.remove / Removing and adding data points with Point.remove and Series.addPoint
- SVG animations, performance on browsers / Exploring SVG animations performance on browsers
- performance, comparing on large datasets / Comparing Highcharts' performance on large datasets
- Highcharts chart
- plotting, on mobile device / Plotting a Highcharts chart on mobile device
- Highcharts components
- navigating / Navigating through Highcharts components
- object hierarchy, using / Using object hierarchy, Using the object hierarchy and Chart.get method
- Chart.get method, using / Using the Chart.get method, Using the object hierarchy and Chart.get method
- Highcharts configuration
- about / Configuration structure
- URL / Configuration structure
- chart component / Configuration structure
- series component / Configuration structure
- xAxis/yAxis component / Configuration structure
- tooltip component / Configuration structure
- title/subtitle component / Configuration structure
- legend component / Configuration structure
- plotOptions component / Configuration structure
- exporting component / Configuration structure
- Highcharts constructor
- about / Highcharts constructor – Highcharts.Chart
- Highcharts events
- about / Introducing Highcharts events
- list / Introducing Highcharts events
- portfolio history example / Portfolio history example
- stocks growth chart example / Stocks' growth chart example
- Highcharts export example
- setting, on client side / Setting up a Highcharts export example on the client side
- Highcharts extension
- about / Short introduction to Sencha Ext JS
- Highcharts options, removing / Step 1 – removing some of the Highcharts options
- Highcharts extension config, converting to / Step 2 – converting to Highcharts extension configuration
- series option constructing, by mapping JsonStore data model / Step 3 – constructing a series option by mapping the JsonStore data model
- creating / Step 4 – creating the Highcharts extension
- series specific options, passing / Passing series specific options in the Highcharts extension
- data model, converting into Highcharts series / Converting a data model into a Highcharts series
- y-axis numerical value / X-axis category data and y-axis numerical values
- X-axis category data / X-axis category data and y-axis numerical values
- numerical values, for x axes / Numerical values for both x and y axes
- numerical values, for y axes / Numerical values for both x and y axes
- pre-processing, performing from store data / Performing pre-processing from store data
- pie charts, plotting / Plotting pie charts
- donut charts, plotting / Plotting donut charts
- module APIs / Module APIs
- addSeries method / addSeries
- removeSerie method / removeSerie and removeAllSeries
- removeAllSeries method / removeSerie and removeAllSeries
- setTitle method / setTitle and setSubTitle
- setSubTitle method / setTitle and setSubTitle
- draw method / draw
- export modules / Event handling and export modules
- context menu displaying,, by data point click / Displaying a context menu by clicking on a data point
- Highcharts layout
- about / Understanding Highcharts layouts
- automatic layout / Understanding Highcharts layouts, Experimenting with the automatic layout
- fixed layout / Understanding Highcharts layouts, Experimenting with the fixed layout
- spacing setting / Chart margins and spacings
- chart margins setting / Chart margins and spacings
- chart label, properties / Chart label properties
- Highcharts options, Highcharts extension
- removing / Step 1 – removing some of the Highcharts options
- Highcharts series, Highcharts extension
- data odel, converting into / Converting a data model into a Highcharts series
- Highcharts server-side Export (HSE)
- about / Comparison between the approaches
- histStock variable / Continuous series update
- horizontal gauge chart
- single bar chart, converting to / Converting a single bar chart into a horizontal gauge chart
- href value / Linking between mobile pages
- tool tips, formatting / Formatting the tooltips in HTML
- HTML5 / The uprising of JavaScript and HTML5
- HTML image map (server-side technology) / HTML image map (server-side technology)
- advantages / HTML image map (server-side technology)
- disadvantages / HTML image map (server-side technology)
- idProperty / Example of using JsonStore and GridPanel
- idx parameter / removeSerie and removeAllSeries
- ImageMagick package
- URL / Extracting SVG data with Chart.getSVG
- img src attribute / HTML image map (server-side technology)
- index.html directory / Directories structure
- infile / Comparison between the approaches
- initial animation / Animating charts
- about / Animating charts
- innerRadius option / Setting pane backgrounds, Extending to multiple panes
- innerSize option / Preparing a donut chart – multiple series
- Internet Application (RIA) / Short introduction to Sencha Ext JS
- inverted option / Extending to multiple series line charts, Switching graph orientation with the orientationchange event
- is directory / Directories structure
- itemId option / Creating and accessing Ext JS components
- Java Applet (client side)
- about / Java applet (client side) and servlet (server side)
- JavaScript / The uprising of JavaScript and HTML5
- JavaScript charts
- jqPlot / jqPlot
- amCharts / amCharts
- Ext JS 4 Charts / Ext JS 4 Charts
- YUI 3 Charts / YUI 3 Charts
- FusionCharts / FusionCharts
- JS Charts / JS Charts
- Flot / Flot and Flotr
- Flotr / Flot and Flotr
- JavaScript library
- URL / The uprising of JavaScript and HTML5
- JFreeChart / Java applet (client side) and servlet (server side)
- jQM
- about / A short introduction of jQuery Mobile
- mobile page structure / Understanding a mobile page structure
- page initialization / Understanding page initialization
- mobile pages, linking between / Linking between mobile pages
- and Highcharts integrating, Olympic Medals Table application used / Integrating Highcharts and jQuery Mobile using an Olympic medals table application
- jqPlot / jqPlot
- JQuery library
- URL / The uprising of JavaScript and HTML5
- jQuery Mobile dialog box
- graph options, switching with / Switching graph options with the jQuery Mobile dialog box
- JS Charts / JS Charts
- jsdom module / Installing Node and modules
- JsonStore
- using, example for / Example of using JsonStore and GridPanel
- JsonStore class
- about / Store and JsonStore
- JsonStore data model, Highcharts extension
- mapping, to construct series option / Step 3 – constructing a series option by mapping the JsonStore data model
- labels.formatter / Extending to multiple panes
- layout option / Using layout and viewport
- legend alignment / Legend alignment
- legend box, pie chart
- anabling / Applying a legend to a pie chart
- legend component / Configuration structure
- line and area series
- about / Mixing line and area series
- projection chart, simulating / Simulating a projection chart
- spline, constrasting with step line / Contrasting spline with step line
- stacked area chart, extending to / Extending to a stacked area chart
- charts with missing data, plotting / Plotting charts with missing data
- linearGradient, colors gradient
- about / Expanding colors with gradients
- linear scale / Plotting a speedometer gauge chart
- line charts
- about / Introducing line charts
- display / Introducing line charts
- multiple series line charts, extending to / Extending to multiple series line charts
- lineWidth property / Adjusting intervals and background
- logarithmic scale / Plotting a speedometer gauge chart
- logo.png / Polishing a chart with an artistic style
- mapping option / Example of using JsonStore and GridPanel
- margin option / Chart margins and spacings
- margin property, chart label properties / Chart label properties
- marginTop property / Chart margins and spacings
- market index data
- range charts, plotting with / Plotting range charts with market index data
- maxPadding option / Building a chart with multiple series types
- minorTickPosition / Managing axes with different scales
- mirror chart
- about / Constructing a mirror chart
- stacked mirror chart, extending to / Extending to a stacked mirror chart
- mobile pages, jQM
- linking between / Linking between mobile pages
- mobile page structure
- in HTML document, example / Understanding a mobile page structure
- mobile page structure, jQM
- about / Understanding a mobile page structure
- Modify Stop Order dialog / Setting up a plot line action with the click event
- Modify Stop Order dialog box / Setting up a plot line action with the click event
- Module APIs, Highcharts APIs
- about / Module APIs
- mouse cursor, detail chart
- over plot lines, changing with mouseover event / Changing the mouse cursor over plot lines with mouseover event
- mouseOut event / Highcharts in touch screen environments
- mouseOut point event, detail chart
- used, for hovering over data point / Hovering over a data point with the mouseOver and mouseOut point events
- mouseOver event / Highcharts in touch screen environments
- mouseOver point event, detail chart
- used, for hovering over data point / Hovering over a data point with the mouseOver and mouseOut point events
- multiple series
- multiple plies, plotting / Plotting multiple pies in a chart – multiple series
- multiple series line charts
- extending to / Extending to multiple series line charts
- multiple series tool tip
- applying / Applying a multiple series tooltip
- multiple series type
- chart, building with / Building a chart with multiple series types
- mutt
- URL / Extracting SVG data with Chart.getSVG
- netStore object / Example of using JsonStore and GridPanel
- NetworkData data model / Example of using JsonStore and GridPanel
- node
- about / Node.js/Node and Node-Highcharts (JavaScript solution)
- node-highcharts module / Running the Node-Highcharts module
- Node-Highcharts module
- running / Running the Node-Highcharts module
- Node-Highcharts solution
- about / Comparison between the approaches
- node server
- installing / Installing Node and modules
- setting up / Setting up the Node server
- starting / Starting the Node server and issuing a URL query
- numberFormat method / Introducing line charts
- object hierarchy, Highcharts components
- using / Using object hierarchy
- and Chart.get method, using / Using the object hierarchy and Chart.get method
- object tag / Adobe Shockwave Flash (client side)
- Olympic Medals Table application
- used, for integrating Highcharts and jQuery Mobile / Integrating Highcharts and jQuery Mobile using an Olympic medals table application
- gold medals page, loading / Loading up the gold medals page
- device properties, detecting / Detecting device properties
- Highcharts chart, plotting on mobile devices / Plotting a Highcharts chart on mobile device
- graph options, switching with jQuery Mobile dialog box / Switching graph options with the jQuery Mobile dialog box
- graph presentation, changing with swipeleft motion event / Changing the graph presentation with a swipeleft motion event
- graph presentation with orientationchange event / Switching graph orientation with the orientationchange event
- Open & Close area range series / Plotting range charts with market index data
- opposite property / Extending to multiple axes
- options button / Switching graph options with the jQuery Mobile dialog box
- orientationchange event
- graph orientation, switching / Switching graph orientation with the orientationchange event
- outerRadius option / Setting pane backgrounds
- pageinit event / Linking between mobile pages
- pageinit event handler / Understanding page initialization
- pageinit handler / Switching graph options with the jQuery Mobile dialog box
- page initialization, jQM
- about / Understanding page initialization
- pane
- about / Plotting a speedometer gauge chart
- multiple panes, extending to / Extending to multiple panes
- panel
- about / Panel
- GridPanel / GridPanel
- FormPanel / FormPanel
- TabPanel / TabPanel
- PhantomJs
- about / Highcharts on the server side
- PhantomJS
- about / PhantomJS (headless webkit)
- PhantomJS Script
- preparing / Preparing the PhantomJS script
- pie-charts, Highcharts extension
- plotting / Plotting pie charts
- pie chart
- about / Understanding the relationship of chart, pie, and series
- plotting / Plotting simple pie charts – single series
- configuring, with sliced off sections / Configuring the pie with sliced off sections
- legend, applying / Applying a legend to a pie chart
- multiple plies, plotting in chart / Plotting multiple pies in a chart – multiple series
- launching, with series checkboxClick event / Launching a pie chart with the series checkboxClick event
- gesturechange (pinch actions) event,applying / Applying the gesturechange (pinch actions) event to a pie chart
- pie chart, stocks growth chart example
- slice, editing with point click event / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- slice, editing with update event / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- slice, editing with remove event / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- pie_chart.php / HTML image map (server-side technology)
- Plot All button / Using Highcharts APIs
- plotBackgroundImage option / Polishing a chart with an artistic style
- plot bands / Using plot lines and plot bands
- plotGoldChart method / Plotting a Highcharts chart on mobile device, Switching graph orientation with the orientationchange event
- plot line action, detail chart
- setting, with click event / Setting up a plot line action with the click event
- plot lines / Using plot lines and plot bands
- plot lines, Highchart APIs
- adding / Selecting data points and adding plot lines
- plotLinesAndBands property / Changing the mouse cursor over plot lines with mouseover event
- PlotOptions
- about / Exploring PlotOptions
- plotOptions.line.lineWidth property / Exploring PlotOptions
- property / Exploring PlotOptions
- chart configuration code, for preceding graph generation / Exploring PlotOptions
- stacking option / Exploring PlotOptions
- plotOptions.gauge.dial / Gauge series – dial and pivot
- plotOptions.gauge.pivot / Gauge series – dial and pivot
- plotOptions.line.lineWidth property / Exploring PlotOptions
- property / Exploring PlotOptions
- plotOptions.series.animation option / Setting up a Highcharts export example on the client side
- plotOptions.series option / Directories structure
- plotOptions component / Configuration structure
- plotOptions property / Directories structure
- option / Constructing the series configuration for a top-level chart
- Point.update, Highchart APIs
- used, for updating data points / Updating data points with Point.update, Removing and adding data points with Point.remove and Series.addPoint
- point class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- point click event
- used, for editing pie chart slice / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- used, for drilling data / Drilling down for data with the point click event
- dynamic content dialog, creating / Building a dynamic content dialog with the point click event
- pointFormat / Formatting the tooltips in HTML
- pointPadding / Overlapped column chart
- point select
- used, for selecting data point / Selecting and unselecting a data point with the point select and unselect events
- pointStart option / Introducing line charts
- pointStart property / Simulating a projection chart
- polar chart
- about / Loading gauge, polar, and range charts
- spline chart, converting to / Converting a spline chart to a polar/radar chart
- Portfolio Detail section / Selecting and unselecting a data point with the point select and unselect events
- portfolio history example
- about / Portfolio history example
- top-level chart / Top-level chart
- detail chart / Detail chart
- projection chart
- simulating / Simulating a projection chart
- $.ready jQuery / Implementing and loading Ext JS code
- $.ready method / Highcharts constructor – Highcharts.Chart, Understanding page initialization
- radar chart
- spline chart, converting to / Converting a spline chart to a polar/radar chart
- radial gradient
- about / Using a radial gradient on a gauge chart
- using, on gauge chart / Using a radial gradient on a gauge chart
- radialGradient feature / Setting pane backgrounds
- range chart
- about / Loading gauge, polar, and range charts
- plotting, with market index data / Plotting range charts with market index data
- rearLength option / Gauge series – dial and pivot
- removeAllSeries method / removeSerie and removeAllSeries
- Remove button / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- remove event
- used, for editing pie chart slice / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- Remove Order button / Setting up a plot line action with the click event
- removeSerie method / removeSerie and removeAllSeries
- renderer.image method / Polishing a chart with an artistic style, Building a chart with multiple series types
- renderer class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- renderTo option / Directories structure
- Rhino
- about / Rhino and Batik (Java solution)
- rotation option / Plotting a gauge chart pane
- <script> tag / Linking between mobile pages
- Save Order button / Applying the chart click event
- scatter and area series
- combining / Combining scatter and area series
- chart, polishing with artistic style / Polishing a chart with an artistic style
- selected area
- zooming, chart selection event used / Zooming the selected area with the chart selection event
- selection event / Zooming the selected area with the chart selection event
- Sencha Ext JS
- about / Short introduction to Sencha Ext JS
- macro / Formatting the tooltips in HTML
- Series.remove
- about / Using Series.remove and Chart.addSeries to reinsert series with new data
- using, to reinsert series with new data / Using Series.remove and Chart.addSeries to reinsert series with new data
- series checkboxClick event
- pie chart, launching with / Launching a pie chart with the series checkboxClick event
- series class / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- series component / Configuration structure
- series config / Introducing line charts
- series configuration, detail chart
- constructing / Constructing the series configuration for the detail chart
- series configuration, top-level chart
- constructing / Constructing the series configuration for a top-level chart
- series data script
- preparing / Preparing the series data script
- series option, Highcharts extension
- constructing, by mapping JsonStore data model / Step 3 – constructing a series option by mapping the JsonStore data model
- series property / Directories structure
- about / Revisiting the series configuration, Exploring PlotOptions
- series specific options, Highcharts extension
- passing / Passing series specific options in the Highcharts extension
- series update, Highchart APIs
- exploring / Exploring the series update, Continuous series update
- techniques / Running the experiment
- Series.setData, new data set applying / Applying a new set of data with Series.setData
- Chart.addSeries, using to reinsert series with new data / Using Series.remove and Chart.addSeries to reinsert series with new data
- Series.remove, using to reinsert series with new data / Using Series.remove and Chart.addSeries to reinsert series with new data
- server task
- running / Running the server task
- Servlet (server side)
- about / Java applet (client side) and servlet (server side)
- advantages / Java applet (client side) and servlet (server side)
- disadvantages / Java applet (client side) and servlet (server side)
- setSubTitle method / setTitle and setSubTitle
- setTitle method / setTitle and setSubTitle
- Shockwave Flash (SWF) files / Adobe Shockwave Flash (client side)
- showCheckbox option / Plot averaging series from displayed stocks series
- showInLegend property / Sketching an area chart
- Show Point Value checkbox / Selecting data points and adding plot lines
- Show Range action / Using Axis.getExtremes and Axis.addPlotLine
- single bar chart
- converting, to horizontal gauge chart / Converting a single bar chart into a horizontal gauge chart
- size option / Building a chart with multiple series types
- slicedOffset option / Configuring the pie with sliced off sections
- sliced property / Configuring the pie with sliced off sections
- spacingBottom / Sketching an area chart
- spacing setting
- about / Chart margins and spacings
- speedometer gauge chart
- plotting / Plotting a speedometer gauge chart
- spline
- contrasting, with step line / Contrasting spline with step line
- spline chart
- converting, to radar chart / Converting a spline chart to a polar/radar chart
- converting, to polar chart / Converting a spline chart to a polar/radar chart
- stacked and single columns
- mixing / Mixing the stacked and single columns
- stacked area chart
- extending to / Extending to a stacked area chart
- stacked mirror chart
- extending to / Extending to a stacked mirror chart
- stacking option / Exploring PlotOptions, Mixing the stacked and single columns
- stocks growth chart example
- about / Stocks' growth chart example
- averaging series from displayed stocks series, plotting / Plot averaging series from displayed stocks series
- dialog, launching with series click event / Launching a dialog with the series click event
- pie chart, launching with series checkboxClick event / Launching a pie chart with the series checkboxClick event
- pie charts slice, editing with point-click event / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- pie charts slice, editing with update event / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- pie charts slice, editing with remove event / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- stop order / Applying the chart click event
- stops, colors gradient
- about / Expanding colors with gradients
- Stop Timing button / Comparing Highcharts' performance on large datasets
- Store class
- about / Store and JsonStore
- store data, Highcharts extension
- pre-processing performing / Performing pre-processing from store data
- about / SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
- code, executing / SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
- script / SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
- SVG animation, Highcharts APIs
- performance, exploring on browsers / Exploring SVG animations performance on browsers
- SVG data, Highcharts APIs
- extracting, wth Chart.getSVG / Extracting SVG data with Chart.getSVG
- svg variable / Preparing the PhantomJS script
- swipeleft motion event
- graph presentation, changing / Changing the graph presentation with a swipeleft motion event
- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL)
- about / SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
- 'this' keyword / Zooming the selected area with the chart selection event
- TabPanel / TabPanel
- themes directory / Directories structure
- the pageinit handler / Understanding page initialization
- this.point variable / Using the callback handler
- this.series variable / Using the callback handler
- this keyword / Drilling down for data with the point click event
- tickInterval option / Plotting a speedometer gauge chart
- tickLength property / Adjusting intervals and background
- tickPosition / Managing axes with different scales
- tickWidth property / Adjusting intervals and background
- title/subtitle component / Configuration structure
- tooltip.enabled / Styling the tooltips
- tooltip component / Configuration structure
- tool tips
- styling / Styling the tooltips
- in HTML, formatting / Formatting the tooltips in HTML
- callback handler, using / Using the callback handler
- multiple series tool tip, applying / Applying a multiple series tooltip
- top-level chart
- about / Top-level chart
- series configuration, constructing / Constructing the series configuration for a top-level chart
- Ajax query, launching with chart load event / Launching an Ajax query with the chart load event
- user interface, activating with chart redraw event / Activating the user interface with the chart redraw event
- data point, uselecting with unselect events / Selecting and unselecting a data point with the point select and unselect events
- data point, selecting with point select / Selecting and unselecting a data point with the point select and unselect events
- selected area zooming, chart selection event used / Zooming the selected area with the chart selection event
- touch screen environments
- Highcharts in / Highcharts in touch screen environments
- twin dials chart
- Fiat 500 speedometer, plotting / Plotting a twin dials chart – a Fiat 500 speedometer
- Unix solution
- about / Comparison between the approaches
- unselect event handler / Selecting and unselecting a data point with the point select and unselect events
- unselect events
- used, for unselecting data point / Selecting and unselecting a data point with the point select and unselect events
- update animation / Animating charts
- update button / Switching graph options with the jQuery Mobile dialog box
- update event
- used, for editing pie chart slice / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- Update Portfolio dialog box / Editing the pie chart's slice with the point click, update, and remove events
- user interface, top-level chart
- activating, with chart redraw event / Activating the user interface with the chart redraw event
- verticalAlign property / Legend alignment
- verticalAlign property, chart label properties / Chart label properties
- vgchartz
- URL / Plotting simple pie charts – single series
- web charts
- about / A short history of web charting
- HTML image map (server-side technology) / HTML image map (server-side technology)
- Java Applet (client side) and Servlet (server side) / Java applet (client side) and servlet (server side)
- Adobe Shockwave Flash (client side) / Adobe Shockwave Flash (client side)
- web fonts
- URL / Polishing the chart with fonts and colors
- window / Window
- window class / Creating and accessing Ext JS components
- X-axis category data, Highcharts extension / X-axis category data and y-axis numerical values
- x axes, Highcharts extension
- numerical values / Numerical values for both x and y axes
- xAxis.categories array / Directories structure
- xAxis.labels.formatter property / Accessing the axis data type
- xAxis/yAxis component / Configuration structure
- xAxis config / Introducing line charts
- xAxis properties / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- xAxis property / Directories structure
- xField option / Step 3 – constructing a series option by mapping the JsonStore data model
- x property, chart label properties / Chart label properties
- xtype option / Creating and accessing Ext JS components
- Xvfb
- about / Using Xvfb and web browsers (Unix solution)
- installing / Installing Xvfb and a web browser
- server, starting / Starting up the Xvfb server
- server-side change, applying / Applying server-side change
- Y-axis category data, Highcharts extension / X-axis category data and y-axis numerical values
- y axes, Highcharts extension
- numerical values / Numerical values for both x and y axes
- yAxis option / Extending to multiple panes
- yAxis properties / Understanding the Highcharts class model
- y property, chart label properties / Chart label properties
- YUI 3 Charts / YUI 3 Charts