Creating the design
Just like the previous chapter, we will start this chapter by making a design of the game we want to make. You probably would have guessed by reading the chapter title that we are going to make a breakout clone. Breakout is a game where you move a paddle in the bottom part of the screen to bounce a ball up to destroy blocks. However, some blocks will be able to add some variation to the gameplay. Let's start with the following criteria:
- Elevator pitch: An elevator pitch is the description of your game as you would explain it to someone in an elevator, short and concise. This game is a game where players move a paddle to bounce balls off to destroy blocks. Some of the blocks will have special effects to change the balls or the paddle.
- Theme: The theme for this game is puzzle.
- Genre: The genre for the game is puzzle game.
- Challenges: These are used to destroy all of the blocks in a level.
- Rewards: Players are given scores depending on what blocks are destroyed and how...