Ansible Tower
Ansible Tower is a web-based GUI developed by Red Hat. Ansible Tower provides you with an easy-to-use dashboard to manage your nodes and role-based authentication to control access to your Ansible Tower dashboard. The biggest features of Ansible Tower are as follows:
- LDAP/AD integration: You can import (and give privileges to) users based on the result of LDAP/AD queries that Ansible Tower performs on your LDAP/AD server
- Role-based access control: Limit the users to only run the playbooks they are authorized to run and/or target only a limited amount of hosts
- REST API: All Ansible Tower capabilities are exposed via a REST API
- Job scheduling: Ansible Tower allows us to schedule jobs (playbook execution)
- Graphical inventory management: Ansible Tower manages the inventory in a more dynamic way than Ansible
- Dashboard: Ansible Tower allows us to see the situation of all current and previous job executions
- Logging: Ansible Tower logs all the results of every job execution to be able to...