Answer the following questions to test your knowledge of this chapter:
- What are the SOLIDWORKS assemblies?
- What are mates? What are the three different types of mates?
- What are standard mates?
- Download the parts linked to this question and assemble them to form the following drawing in Figure 8.43. The assembly should be fully defined:
Figure 8.43 – The drawing for question 4
- Using the assembly from the previous question, adjust the material for each part and define the coordinate system shown in the following drawing in Figure 8.44. Determine the mass in grams and the center of mass in mm according to the newly defined coordinate system:
Figure 8.44 – The drawing for question 5
- Download the parts linked to this question and assemble them to form the following drawing in Figure 8.45. The assembly should be fully defined:
Figure 8.45 – The...