This chapter deals with the Kinect camera and the handling of the color image streams with multiple image formats that are supported by the Kinect SDK. We have meticulously covered aspects such as image frame processing, changing the stream resolution at runtime, capturing standalone images, and playing around with individual color pixels, by building a complete KinectCam application. You have also learned how you can fine-tune color images by applying different settings on the Kinect camera, and you have seen how the infrared streams help capture images in low lights. You have also seen how to change the sensor angle via code, and in the end you have seen how using the Coding4Fun toolkit can make your job easy. Throughout this chapter, you have also learned many small tips and tricks; these often play a vital role in big composite applications, and knowing them will stand you in good stead as you embark upon the journey of developing bigger and more functional applications. If you...