Setting the hostname for Keycloak
Keycloak exposes different endpoints to talk with applications as well as to allow managing the server itself. These endpoints can be categorized into three main groups:
- Frontend
- Backend
- Administration
The base URL (e.g., scheme, host, port, and path) for each group has an important impact on how tokens are issued and validated, on how links are created for actions that require the user to be redirected to Keycloak (for example, when resetting passwords through email links), and, most importantly, how applications will discover these endpoints when fetching the OpenID Connect Discovery document from /realms/{realm-name}/.well-known/openid-configuration
In the next topics, we will be looking into each of these groups, how to define a base URL for each one, and the impact it has on users and applications using Keycloak.
Setting the frontend URL
The frontend URL is used to infer the URL used by users and applications...