Designing the head-up display
Although there are lots of non-realistic elements on the screen of the game (such as various onscreen menus, texts, and graphical hints), their use can be warranted not only by the suspension of disbelief, but also by the plot itself, especially when it is a question of futuristic vehicles, robotic suits, or exoskeletons. Any onscreen alerts, text messages, graphic hints, and many more can be explained via utilizing a HUD. Such technology is a familiar cockpit element of modern aircrafts or advanced cars. Various useful data is projected on special transparent plates so that pilots (or drivers) see through it, perceiving both the physical space in front of them and additional digital information. It is a form of augmented reality created by combining two types of realities. By saying that an apparatus in the game has an advanced HUD, you may stop to question all the virtual sights, health bars, and other types of vital UI-elements; now, they are realistic.
