Building a LoRa sensory transmitter
In this section, we will build a LoRa sensory transmitter with a temperature sensor using a Raspberry Pi Pico, an RFM95W LoRa module, and a DHT22 temperature sensor. Our goal is to create a device that reads temperature and humidity data from a DHT22 temperature sensor and transmits this information using the RFM95W LoRa module. We will use the Raspberry Pi Pico and not Pico W for our design, although we could just as easily swap out the Pico for the Pico W.
For building and testing our circuit, we will use a Raspberry Pi Pico WH installed on a Pico GPIO expander. Using a Pico WH allows us to build and test circuits for both Pico and Pico W applications. We will use Pico W for the receiver part of our application and not the Pico WH due to size constraints.
Advantages of using a standard Pico over a Pico W
Besides its cost advantage, the Raspberry Pi Pico offers benefits over the Raspberry Pi Pico W for our LoRa sensory transmitter. The...