The relational database
The result of the processing of the text by textual ETL is a relational database. While the creation of a simple relational database is hardly new, to the organization struggling with text the ability to create a relational database represents a significant milestone.
Once the text is turned into a database, there is no limit to the number of documents that can be read and analyzed. Analysis can be done by standard analytical software. Fig 8.5 shows the relational database that has been created from the processing of text by Textual ETL.
Some of the features of the relational database include:
- Identification of the document (or the call center record)
- Byte address of the word being analyzed
- The actual word being analyzed
- The context of the word being analyzed
Fig 8.6 shows some of the features of the database.
While there are many aspects of the data found in the database that are important, one of the unique and most...