We have created a simple API with Koa and exposed some public routes for its data being accessed, such as /api/users and /api/users/1. We also have integrated this API with Nuxt into a single app in which Nuxt performs as middleware. You have also learned how the asyncData method works and how we can make use of the Nuxt context. Now, let's bring all these three parts together in the final step by using Axios with the asyncData method for requesting the API data.
Installing and configuring Axios
Axios is a promised-based HTTP client for Node.js apps. We worked with vanilla promises with the asyncData method in the previous section. We can simplify our code further and save some lines with Axios, which is powered by asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) to make asynchronous HTTP requests. Let's get it started in the following steps:
- Install Axios via npm:
$ npm i axios
We should always use a full path when making HTTP requests with Axios: