- add colors option
- about / Customizing Git
- applypatch-msg hook
- variables / More about hooks
- autocorrect option
- about / Customizing Git
- branch
- working with / Working with branches
- creating / Creating a branch
- checking out / Checking out a branch
- playing with / Playing with a branch
- differences, between other branch / The difference between branches
- tracking / Tracking branches
- deleting, from remote / Deleting a branch from the remote
- about / Fast forward merge
- branching strategy
- tips / BPF – Branch Per Feature
- branching system
- creating / Creating an efficient branching system
- Git flow / Git flow
- Master branch / Git flow
- dev branch / Git flow
- feature branch / Feature branches
- release branches / Release branches
- Hotfix branches / Hotfix branches
- Branch Per Feature (BPF)
- about / BPF – Branch Per Feature
- check option / Creating a patch
- cherry-pick command...