Using the PropertyGrid class
The PropertyGrid
class is a grid implementation similar to the property grids so commonly used in different IDEs. Each row in the property grid represents a property of some object. In this example, each row represents a property of a movie from a movies list:

How to do it...
1. Create a data store for the property grid:
var moviesStore = new{ url: 'grid-property-grid.php', root: 'movies', totalProperty: 'count', baseParams: { action: 'movies' }, fields: [{ name: 'film_id' }, { name: 'title' }, { name: 'rating' }, { name: 'length', type: 'int' }, { name: 'price', type: 'float' }, { name: 'last_rented', type:'date'}] });
2. Define the property grid:
Ext.onReady(function() { var movieGrid = new Ext.grid.PropertyGrid({ title: 'Properties Grid', autoHeight: true, width: 300, renderTo: Ext.getBody() });
3. A handler for the store's
event will set the first record as the source for the property grid:moviesStore.on('load', function(store, records...