Placing buttons in a toolbar
You can embed different types of components in a toolbar. This recipe teaches you how to build a toolbar that contains image-only, text-only and image/text buttons, a toggle button, and a combo box.

How to do it...
1. Create the styles for the toolbar items:
#tbar { width:600px; } .icon-data { background:url(img/data.png) 0 no-repeat !important; } .icon-chart { background:url(img/pie-chart.png) 0 no-repeat !important; } .icon-table { background:url(img/table.png) 0 no-repeat !important; }
2. Define a data store for the combo box:
Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); var makesStore = new{ fields: ['make'], data: makes // from cars.js });
3. Create a toolbar and define the buttons and combo box inline:
var tb = new Ext.Toolbar({ renderTo: 'tbar', items: [{ iconCls: 'icon-data', tooltip: 'Icon only button', handler:clickHandler }, '-', { text: 'Text Button' }, '-', { text: 'Image/Text Button', iconCls: 'icon-chart' }, '-', { text: 'Toggle...