Chapter 3. A Tour of Your First Elgg Site
Now that you have installed Elgg, it is time to get some hands-on experience. This chapter takes you on a guided tour of Elgg, providing you with a broad overview of what Elgg does. We describe how to create test users, fill out their profiles, and find them some friends. The content sharing and communication tools are covered next. We round out the tour with stops in user settings and administration.
Treat your site as a test site. You can create users, fill out profiles, try various site settings, and delete users knowing that you can wipe the site and create another in a few minutes.
While working through the tour, take notes on what you would like to change or add. Those notes will be extremely useful when designing your site. This and future chapters include design ideas and hints to help you start planning. You will find that some customizations are easy to do (maybe by installing a plugin available in Elgg's community plugin repository). Other...