- add command / Modifying aliases
- allocation control
- nodesÂ’ parameter, specifying / Specifying nodes' parameters
- configuration / Configuration
- index creation / Index creation
- nodes, excluding from allocation / Excluding nodes from allocation
- IP addresses, using for shard allocation / Using IP addresses for shard allocation
- Amazon s3 gateway
- about / Amazon s3 gateway
- plugin / Plugin needed
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) / Amazon s3 gateway
- analysis
- about / Understanding the querying and indexing process
- tokenization / Understanding the querying and indexing process
- filtering / Understanding the querying and indexing process
- analyzer / Understanding the querying and indexing process
- analyzer parameter / Queries with a known language
- analyzers, schema mapping
- out-of-the-box analyzers / Out-of-the-box analyzers
- defining / Defining your own analyzers
- field / Analyzer fields
- default analyzers / Default analyzers
- Apache Solr synonyms
- using / Using Apache Solr synonyms
- explicit synonyms / Explicit synonyms
- equivalent synonyms / Equivalent synonyms
- expanding / Expanding synonyms
- Apache Tika / Detecting a document's language
- autocomplete
- about / Autocomplete
- prefix query / The prefix query
- edge ngrams / Edge ngrams
- faceting / Faceting
- basic query
- about / Basic queries
- term query / The term query
- terms query / The terms query
- match query / The match query
- multi match query / The multi match query
- query string query / The query string query
- field query / The field query
- identifiers query / The identifiers query
- prefix query / The prefix query
- fuzzy like this query / The fuzzy like this query
- fuzzy like this field query / The fuzzy like this field query
- fuzzy query / The fuzzy query
- match all query / The match all query
- wildcard query / The wildcard query
- more like this query / The more like this query
- more like this field query / The more like this field query
- range query / The range query
- rewriting / Query rewrite
- batch indexing
- about / Batch indexing to speed up your indexing process
- data, preparing / How to prepare data
- data, indexing / Indexing the data
- Bigdesk
- about / Bigdesk
- Boolean match query / The Boolean match query
- bool query / The bool query
- boost
- about / What is boost?
- adding, to queries / Adding boost to queries
- score, modifying / Modifying the score
- boosting query / The boosting query
- cluster
- about / Node and cluster
- configuring / Installing and configuring your cluster
- installing / Installing and configuring your cluster
- cluster-wide allocation
- about / Cluster-wide allocation
- property / Configuring ElasticSearch
- cluster.routing.allocation.allow_rebalance property / Controlling when rebalancing will start
- cluster.routing.allocation.node_concurrent_recoveries property / Controlling the number of shards initialized concurrently on a single node
- cluster health API / The cluster health API
- cluster rebalance
- controlling / Controlling cluster rebalancing
- cluster ready status / When is the cluster ready?
- settings / The cluster rebalancing settings
- cluster rebalance settings
- about / The cluster rebalancing settings
- start control / Controlling when rebalancing will start
- shards count control / Controlling the number of shards being moved between nodes concurrently
- primary shards count control / Controlling the number of primary shards initialized concurrently on a single node
- shards, diabling / Disabling the allocation of shards and replicas
- replicas allocation, diabling / Disabling the allocation of replicas
- cluster state API / The cluster state API
- common attributes
- index_name / Common attributes
- index / Common attributes
- store / Common attributes
- boost / Common attributes
- null_value / Common attributes
- include_in_all / Common attributes
- compound query
- about / Compound queries, The custom score query
- bool query / The bool query
- boosting query / The boosting query
- constant score query / The constant score query
- indices query / The indices query
- custom filters score query / The custom filters score query
- custom boost factor query / The custom boost factor query
- custom score query / The custom score query
- constant score query / The constant score query
- content search
- languages, handling / Why we need to handle languages differently
- multiple languages, handling / How to handle multiple languages
- documentÂ’s language, detecting / Detecting a document's language
- sample document / Sample document
- mappings / Mappings
- querying / Querying
- core types, schema mapping
- about / Core types
- common attributes / Common attributes
- string / String
- number / Number
- date / Date
- boolean / Boolean
- binary / Binary
- CRUD / Data manipulation with REST API
- custom boost factor query / The custom boost factor query
- custom filters score query / The custom filters score query
- custom score query / The custom score query
- custom value / Search execution preference (advanced)
- --data-binary parameter / Indexing the data
- data manipulation, REST API
- data, storing / Storing data in ElasticSearch
- document, creating / Creating a new document
- documents, retrieving / Retrieving documents
- document, updating / Updating documents
- document, deleting / Deleting documents
- data sorting
- about / Sorting data
- default sorting / Default sorting
- required fields, selecting / Selecting fields used for sorting
- missing fields behavior, specifying / Specifying behavior for missing fields
- dynamic criteria / Dynamic criteria
- collation / Collation and national characters
- date histogram / Date histogram
- directory structure
- bin / Directory structure
- config / Directory structure
- lib / Directory structure
- about / Directory structure
- discovery / Node discovery
- property / Configuring unicast
- document / Document
- document search
- about / Why this document was found
- field, analyzing / Understanding how a field is analyzed
- query / Explaining the query
- example data / Example data
- similar documents, finding / Finding similar documents
- document type / Document type
- dynamic mappings
- about / Dynamic mappings and templates, Dynamic mappings
- type determining mechanism / Type determining mechanism
- pattern, defining / Dynamic mappings
- ElasticSearch
- about / What is ElasticSearch?
- index / Index
- document / Document
- document type / Document type
- cluster / Node and cluster
- node / Node and cluster
- shard / Shard
- replica / Replica
- installing / Installing and configuring your cluster
- configuring / Configuring ElasticSearch
- running / Running ElasticSearch
- shutting down / Shutting down ElasticSearch
- running, as system service / Running ElasticSearch as a system service
- data, storing / Storing data in ElasticSearch
- querying / Querying ElasticSearch
- span queries / Using span queries
- elasticsearch-head
- about / elasticsearch-head
- elasticsearch-paramedic / elasticsearch-paramedic
- ElasticSearch plugins
- about / ElasticSearch plugins
- installing / Installing plugins
- removing / Removing plugins
- types / Plugin types
- ElasticSearch querying
- about / Querying ElasticSearch
- simple query / Simple query
- paging / Paging and results size
- result size / Paging and results size
- version, returning / Returning the version
- score, limiting / Limiting the score
- fields, selecting / Choosing the fields we want to return
- partial fields / Partial fields
- scripts fields, using / Using script fields
- right search type, choosing / Choosing the right search type (advanced)
- preference request parameter, setting / Search execution preference (advanced)
- enabled property / The _timestamp field
- equivalent synonyms / Equivalent synonyms
- exist filter / Exists
- explicit synonyms / Explicit synonyms
- -f option / Running ElasticSearch as a system service
- faceting
- about / Faceting
- document structure / Document structure
- returned results / Returned results
- query / Query
- filter / Filter
- terms / Terms
- range / Range
- aggregated data, calculating / Choosing different fields for aggregated data calculation
- histogram / Numerical and date histogram
- statistical / Statistical
- terms_stats faceting / Terms statistics
- spatial / Spatial
- results, filtering / Filtering faceting results
- calculation scope / Scope of your faceting calculation
- faceting calculation
- scope / Scope of your faceting calculation
- on nested documents / Facet calculation on all nested documents
- on query matched nested documents / Facet calculation on nested documents that match a query
- memory consideration / Faceting memory considerations
- field data cache / Faceting memory considerations
- field query / The field query
- file handling
- about / Handling files
- fields / Handling files
- files
- indexing / Additional information about a file
- filter / Filter
- filter queries / Querying ElasticSearch
- filters
- using, for results / Filtering your results
- using / Using filters
- range filter / Range filters
- exist filter / Exists
- missing filter / Missing
- script filter / Script
- type filter / Type
- limit filter / Limit
- Ids filter / IDs
- example query / If this is not enough
- not filter / bool, and, or, not filters
- or filter / bool, and, or, not filters
- and filter / bool, and, or, not filters
- bool filter / bool, and, or, not filters
- named filter / Named filters
- caching filter / Caching filters
- from parameter / Why is the result on later pages slow
- fuzzy like this field query / The fuzzy like this field query
- fuzzy like this query
- about / The fuzzy like this query
- parameters / The fuzzy like this query
- fuzzy query
- about / The fuzzy query
- parameters / The fuzzy query
- gateway.fs.concurrent_streams property / Shared filesystem gateway
- gateway module
- about / The gateway module
- local gateway / Local gateway
- shared filesystem gateway / Shared filesystem gateway
- Hadoop distributed filesystem gateway / Hadoop distributed filesystem gateway
- Amazon s3 gateway / Amazon s3 gateway
- geographical search
- about / Geo
- spatial search / Mapping preparation for spatial search
- example data / Example data
- sample queries / Sample queries
- box filtering / Bounding box filtering
- distance, limiting / Limiting the distance
- Hadoop distributed filesystem gateway
- about / Hadoop distributed filesystem gateway
- plugin / Plugin needed
- highlighting
- about / Highlighting
- starting with / Getting started with highlighting
- field, configuring / Field configuration
- FastVectorHighlighter / Under the hood
- HTML tags, configuring / Configuring HTML tags
- fragments, controlling / Controlling highlighted fragments
- local setting / Global and local settings
- global setting / Global and local settings
- matching need / Require matching
- histogram
- about / Numerical and date histogram
- date histogram / Date histogram
- identifier field / The identifier field
- identifiers query / The identifiers query
- Ids filter / IDs
- ifconfig command / Discovery types
- index / Index
- index-time boosting
- using / When does index-time boosting make sense
- field boosting, defining / Defining field boosting in input data
- document boosting, defining / Defining document boosting in input data
- boosting, defining in mapping / Defining boosting in mapping
- index alias
- about / An alias
- creating / Creating an alias
- modifying / Modifying aliases
- remove command / Combining commands
- add command / Combining commands
- retrieving / Retrieving all aliases
- filtering / Filtering aliases
- and routing / Aliases and routing
- indexing
- about / Understanding the querying and indexing process
- index structure
- extending, additional internal information used / Extending your index structure with additional internal information
- identifier field / The identifier field
- _type field / The _type field
- _all field / The _all field
- _source field / The _source field
- _boost field / The _boost field
- _index field / The _index field
- _size field / The _size field
- _timestamp field / The _timestamp field
- _ttl field / The _ttl field
- modifying, update API used / Modifying your index structure with the update API
- index structure modification update API used
- about / Modifying your index structure with the update API
- mapping / The mapping
- new field, adding / Adding a new field
- fields, modifying / Modifying fields
- index_name property / Binary
- index_routing property / Aliases and routing
- indices query / The indices query
- indices segments API / The indices segments API
- indices stats API
- about / The indices stats API
- docs / Docs
- store / Store
- data manipulation / Indexing, get, and search
- in_order parameter / Span near query
- JSON / Running ElasticSearch
- -key_field property / Choosing different fields for aggregated data calculation
- -key_value property / Choosing different fields for aggregated data calculation
- Language Detection / Detecting a document's language
- limit filter / Limit
- local gateway / The gateway module
- Logstash / Index aliasing and simplifying your everyday work using it
- lucene query syntax / Lucene query syntax
- manual index creation
- index / Index
- document types / Types
- index, manipulating / Index manipulation
- schema mapping / Schema mapping
- mappings
- about / Mappings, Mappings
- data / Data
- final mappings / Final mappings
- sending, to ElasticSearch / Sending the mappings to ElasticSearch
- master node
- about / Master node
- configuring / Configuring master and data nodes
- master election configuration / Master election configuration
- match all query / The match all query
- match phrase prefix query / The match phrase prefix query
- match query
- about / The match query
- Boolean match query / The Boolean match query
- phrase match query / The phrase match query
- match phrase prefix query / The match phrase prefix query
- multi match query / The multi match query
- max_gram tokenizer / Edge ngrams
- min_gram tokenizer / Edge ngrams
- missing filter / Missing
- more like this field query / The more like this field query
- more like this query
- parameters / The more like this query
- about / The more like this query
- multivalued / Document
- named filter / Named filters
- nested objects
- using / Using nested objects
- newScript() method / Native code
- node / Node and cluster
- node discovery
- about / Node discovery
- types / Discovery types
- master node / Master node
- cluster name, setting / Setting the cluster name
- multicast, configuring / Configuring multicast
- unicast, configuring / Configuring unicast
- nodes ping setting / Nodes ping settings
- nodes info API
- about / The nodes info API
- nodes stats API / The nodes stats API
- non flat data
- indexing / Indexing data that is not flat
- structured JSON file / Data
- objects / Objects
- array / Arrays
- mappings / Mappings
- dynamic behavior / To be or not to be dynamic
- norms_field property / The match all query
- number types, ElasticSearch
- byte / Number
- short / Number
- integer / Number
- long / Number
- float / Number
- double / Number
- objects / Objects
- Out-of-the-box analyzers
- standard / Out-of-the-box analyzers
- simple / Out-of-the-box analyzers
- whitespace / Out-of-the-box analyzers
- stop / Out-of-the-box analyzers
- keyword / Out-of-the-box analyzers
- pattern / Out-of-the-box analyzers
- language / Out-of-the-box analyzers
- snowball / Out-of-the-box analyzers
- ?pretty parameter / Indexing the data
- parent-child relationship
- about / Using parent-child relationships
- parent mappings, creating / Creating parent mappings
- child mappings, creating / Creating child mappings
- parent documents / Parent document
- child documents / Child documents
- querying / Querying
- filters / Parent-child relationship and filtering
- performance considerations / Performance considerations
- path property / Using nested objects
- percolator
- about / Percolator, Getting deeper
- preparing / Preparing the percolator
- phrase match query / The phrase match query
- ping
- controlling / Nodes ping settings
- prefix query / The prefix query
- queries
- known language, using / Queries with a known language
- unknown language, using / Queries with an unknown language
- combining / Combining queries
- validating / Validating your queries
- Validate API, using / How to use the Validate API
- query / Query
- query DSL / Querying ElasticSearch
- querying
- about / Querying
- data, in child documents / Querying for data in the child documents
- top children query / The top children query
- data, in parent documents / Querying for data in the parent documents
- query property / The custom boost factor query
- query string query
- about / The query string query
- parameters / The query string query
- lucene query syntax / Lucene query syntax
- explaining / Explaining the query string
- running, against multiple field / Running query string query against multiple fields
- range faceting / Range
- range filters / Range filters
- range query
- about / The range query
- parameters / The range query
- rebalance
- about / What is rebalancing?
- recovery
- controlling / Recovery control
- replica / Replica
- require_field_match property / Require matching
- about / What is REST?
- data manipulation / Data manipulation with REST API
- result delay
- about / Why is the result on later pages slow
- issue / What is the problem?
- issue, solving / Scrolling to the rescue
- river
- about / Fetching data from other systems: river, What we need and what a river is
- data, fetching from / What we need and what a river is
- configuring / Installing and configuring a river
- installing / Installing and configuring a river
- routing
- about / When routing does matter, Routing
- indexing / How does indexing work?
- searching / How does searching work?
- parameters / Routing parameters
- fields / Routing fields
- routing parameter / Routing fields
- run() method / Native code
- SaaS / SPM for ElasticSearch
- schema mapping
- type definition / Schema mapping, Type definition
- fields / Fields, All field
- core types / Core types
- multi fields / Multi fields
- analyzers, using / Using analyzers
- document source, storing / Storing a document source
- score modification
- constant score query / Constant score query
- custom boost factor query / Custom boost factor query
- query, boosting / Boosting query
- custom score query / Custom score query
- custom filters score query / Custom filters score query
- script filter / Script
- scripts
- about / Using scripts
- objects / Available objects
- other languages / Other languages
- library / Script library
- native code / Native code
- scripts fields
- about / Using script fields
- parameters, passing to / Passing parameters to script fields
- searching
- about / Understanding the querying and indexing process
- search_routing attribute / Aliases and routing
- search_routing property / Aliases and routing
- segments / Docs
- shard / Shard
- shards
- about / The cluster health API
- replicas per node / Number of shards and replicas per node
- count / Number of shards and replicas per node
- moving manually / Manually moving shards and replicas, Moving shards
- allocation, canceling / Canceling allocation
- allocating / Allocating shards
- multiple commands, including in HTTP request / Multiple commands per HTTP request
- shared filesystem gateway / Shared filesystem gateway
- span / What is a span?
- span first query / Span term query, Span first query
- span near query / Span near query
- span not query / Span not query
- span or query / Span or query
- span queries
- about / Using span queries
- span term query / Span term query
- span first query / Span first query
- span near query / Span near query
- span or query / Span or query
- span not query / Span not query
- split-brain / Master election configuration
- SPM for ElasticSearch
- about / SPM for ElasticSearch
- dashboard / SPM for ElasticSearch
- statistical faceting / Statistical
- status API
- about / The status API
- string-based fields / String
- synonym filter
- about / Synonym filter
- synonym rules
- Apache Solr synonyms, using / Using Apache Solr synonyms
- WordNet synonyms, using / Using WordNet synonyms
- synonyms
- about / The words having the same meaning
- in mapping / Synonyms in mappings
- in files / Synonyms in files
- synonyms_path property / Synonyms in files
- templates
- about / Templates
- storing, in files / Storing templates in files
- term query / The term query
- Terms faceting / Terms
- terms query / The terms query
- terms_stats faceting / Terms statistics
- to_node property / Moving shards
- tree-like structures
- indexing / Indexing tree-like structures
- type filter / Type
- -url option / Installing plugins
- UDP / Is it possible to do it quicker?
- warming up query
- about / Warming up
- defining / Defining a new warming query
- retrieving / Retrieving defined warming queries
- deleting / Deleting a warming query
- disabling / Disabling the warming up functionality
- selecting / Which queries to choose
- wildcard query / The wildcard query
- WordNet synonyms
- using / Using WordNet synonyms
- zen discovery / Discovery types