In this chapter, we actually started a painting! Technically, we also learned about the importance of layers, layer modes, and grouping layers. While we primarily only worked within the Normal blending mode during this chapter, it's still an important feature to point out as we will be deep-diving into more blending modes later in the book.
We also discussed some basics regarding landscape painting, including integrating our values and brushwork in an organized, structured way. Hopefully, you are already able to see the "illusion" of a landscape, even though we're only using three primary groups of content within our painting (those being our foreground, midground, and background groups). As artists, it is our job to mimic the sense of three dimensions on a two-dimensional plane, and keeping our values organized and structured aids in that goal tremendously.
In Chapter 4, Utilizing Brushes and Tools, we will be continuing our refinement of this landscape...