Help—Some DQL Queries
While DAB and Webtop can be used to interact with objects and lifecycles, the following queries can be used to obtain specific information directly.
The following DQL query identifies the lifecycle ID, current state, and the resume state (meaningful only if the current state is an exception state) for a document. Note, however, that all of this information is system data (internal) and not user-friendly. This information neither names the policy nor the states; they are all numbers.
SELECT r_policy_id, r_current_state, r_resume_state FROM dm_document WHERE object_name like 'MyDocument%'
The user-friendly information can be obtained from the lifecycle separately or by joining with the above query. The following query lists information about the states in a lifecycle named Resume:
SELECT object_name, state_name, state_description, state_class FROM dm_policy WHERE object_name = 'Resume'
Note that the state properties queried above are repeating properties and list all the...