Why — For What Reason or Purpose?
While this book may have been positioned as a book about technology, it is, at most, only one-third about technology. DevOps is really all about collaboration. We wrote this book because we want to increase your understanding of DevOps, collaboration, and cultural and engineering practices on a container platform such as OpenShift. We want to make moving to DevOps easier and provide a clearer path for you to apply DevOps using OpenShift. We want to excite you when reading this and give you some inspiration as to how you can apply DevOps principles and practices. We want to equip you to go out and try these new techniques and practices.
As you progress through this book, we want you to continually measure the usefulness (impact/value) of using these new techniques. In fact, every time you try something out, we want you to think about and measure what impact it had.
That impact might be at an individual level: What impact did trying that...