An autoencoder comprises of the following two networks:
- Encoder: An encoder encodes its input,
, into a hidden representation,
. The output of an encoder unit is as follows:
h = g(Wxi+b)
where, xi ∈ Rn, W ∈ Rd x n, b ∈ Rd.
- Decoder: A decoder reconstructs the input from the hidden representation, h. The output of a decoder unit is as follows:
where, W* ∈ Rn x d, h ∈ Rd, c ∈ Rn.
An autoencoder neural network tries to reconstruct the original input, , from the encoded representation,
, of
dimension to produce an output,
, such that
approximates to
. The network is trained to minimize the reconstruction error (loss function). It is a measure of the difference between the original input and the predicted output,...