Why is cloud computing apt for implementing a data lakehouse?
Why cloud computing is apt for implementing a data lakehouse has been discussed in previous chapters. This section will recap and consolidate the top three reasons for adopting cloud computing for a data lakehouse.
The rapid advancements in cloud computing facilitate data analytics
Recall that in Chapter 1, Introducing the Evolution of Data Analytics Patterns, we discussed the five factors that have caused the perfect data storm. The following figure recaps these five factors:
Figure 8.1 – Ingredients of the perfect data storm
One of the five factors was The Advancement of Cloud Computing. As discussed extensively in Chapter 1, Introducing the Evolution of Data Analytics Patterns, the cloud computing landscape has constantly risen since 2010. Worldwide spending on the public cloud started at around $77 billion in 2010 and reached around $441 billion in 2020. Cloud computing eliminates...