As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
adaptive query execution (AQE) 216, 217
aggregations, with Apache Spark
approximate functions 51-53
performing 48-50
pivot tables 50
alerts and notifications
setting up, for workflows 272-274
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 139
Apache Spark 139, 177
considerations, for caching and persistence 207
CSV data, reading with 4-8
custom UDFs, writing in 57-59
data, writing with 31, 32
documentation link 69
null values, handling with 60-62
text data, processing in 26-28
used, for parsing XML data 17-20
working, with nested data structures in 20-22
Apache Spark Structured Streaming 139
checkpoints, configuring for 115-120
configuring, for real-time data processing 100-105
custom sources and sinks 105
data, reading from real-time...