Creating a business process matrix
A business process matrix outlines the journey of information through an organization. It is the intersection of which entities are encompassed and used through a business process.
Getting ready
Gather the information collected in the preceding step.
How to do it...
The business process matrix is vital information for the data warehouse, as it aids in the definition and maintenance of the information:
1. Open your data lineage spreadsheet and create an additional tab named Business Process Matrix, as shown in the following screenshot:
2. Copy the business entities from your conceptual model in Chapter 5, The Blueprint:
3. Create a column to insert your Business Process as follows:
4. Identify for each entity the action performed by Business Process. A simple
Create, Read, Update
, andDelete
(CRUD) annotation identifies how a step within a process uses the information:
How it works...
By identifying which business process creates and maintains which information...