- Title: www.drivegrab.com SQL injection.
- Reported by: Jouko.
- Bounty rewarded: $4,500.
- Web application URL: http://www.grab.com.
- Description: Grab taxi is another ride-hailing service that is similar to Uber and it is very commonly used in the Asian region. Grab provides similar services to those of Uber but with extra benefits. This SQL vulnerability was identified by Jouku in the domain, https://www.grab.com/ph/driver/car/.
The website drivegrab.com is a WordPress-based website with mainly static content and basically, the vulnerability was found in a form crafting plugin called Formidable; the plugin used some AJAX functions to implement forms. Jouko identified that the AJAX functions that were intended for administrators were accessible to an unauthenticated user. In particular, the function was preview that was used preview forms once they were crafted...