Setting up the lighting
We will start by setting up the lighting of the scene. This will be created by the light sources that belong to the environment itself and are scattered around the scene, plus some other light sources placed where we need them. However, the main light will be coming from the scenic lights.
Getting ready
Let's get started! Open the Chapter06_empty.blend
file and select the Walls mesh. In the Shader list you will find several slots already assigned to various parts of the mesh. We will now create the materials for the slot numbers 2 and 4.

How to do it...
We will start by setting up the lights that belong to the scenery itself.
Setting up scenography lights
Follow the given steps for setting up the scenography lights:
- Let's add a new material in the second slot and name it
. - Delete default Diffuse BSDF and add an Emitter BSDF node in its place. Leave both Color and the Strength to their default values.
- Add a new material in the third material slot and...