Securing an Azure storage account with SAS using PowerShell
A shared access signature (SAS) provides more granular access to blobs by specifying an expiry limit, specific permissions, and IPs.
Using SAS, we can specify different permissions to users or application on different blobs based on the requirement. For example, if an application needs to read one file/blob from a container, instead of providing access to all the files in the container, we can use SAS to provide read access on the required blob.
In this recipe we'll learn to create and use SAS to access blobs.
Getting ready
Before you start, go through the following steps:
- Make sure you have an existing Azure storage account. If not, create one by following the Provisioning an Azure storage account using PowerShell recipe.
- Make sure you have an existing Azure storage container. If not, create one by following the Creating containers and uploading files to Azure Blob storage using PowerShell recipe...