Power BI can help us to get quick insights into our data. One powerful out-of-the-box feature is anomaly detection. To use anomaly detection, we now know we need to have time-series data with enough data points and—optionally—some other attributes we want Power BI to use to explain any anomalies it may find. We learned that by plotting the metric we want to monitor in a line chart with a date field on the x axis, we can enable anomaly detection to find any anomalies. Some anomalies may be obvious, and some may be very subtle. For whichever anomaly Power BI finds, we can explore any possible explanations based on the attributes we included in our dataset to get insights into why these anomalies have occurred. Remember that domain knowledge is still needed to validate these insights and correctly interpret them. In the next chapter, we will look at another out-of-the-box feature: the question-and-answer (Q&A) visual. This visual not only helps you but actually...