What is Keras? Keras is a Python-based deep learning framework that is actually the high-level API of TensorFlow. Keras can run on top of Theano, TensorFlow, or Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK). Since it can run on any of these frameworks, Keras is amazingly simple and popular to work with; building models is as simple as stacking layers. We can make models, define layers, or set up multiple input-output models that are handled using the Keras high-level API.
Initially, Keras was developed as part of the research effort associated with the Open-Ended Neuro-Electronic Intelligent Robot Operating System (ONEIROS) project. Click on the following link to find out more: http://keras.io/.
Keras has attracted lots of attention in recent years as it is open source and, most importantly, is being actively developed by contributors from all over the world. The documentation related to Keras is endless. Yes, we may have understood the documentation...