Building BizServices-ShippingMgmt module
As explained in the previous chapter, the purpose of this module is to manage shipping-related activities that could supplement the order handling process. In Chapter 7 we learned that JungleSea Inc. works with two partners, namely, "Fast" and "Rapid" for Logistics and Shipping management. These partners have exposed interfaces (Fast through web services, and Rapid through a file interface) to their end applications that will be consumed by the Shipping Management Business Services through Fast Access Service and Rapid Access Service. This is a classic example of a Business Service that exposes a key business function without actually exposing the implementation of the functionality. As there is a need for invoking Access Services from more than one component that belong to different partners, a Business Service layer (using a Microflow BPEL) will be used to choreograph the interactions. The individual Access Services will be implemented as mediation...