Data types
Cassandra has five categories or data types:
Native types: These are built-in types in Cassandra. For each type there is a keyword to define.
Collection types: These types can store a group of native type elements. There are three categories—set, list, and map.
Tuple types: Tuple types can store a fixed length group of elements in a column similar to user-defined types, except that the tuple element field has no names. Hence, the ordering should be the same as during inserting a record in the order they are defined at table creation time. The following is an example of creating a column family with a tuple type:
CREATE TABLE user_reviews ( useriduuid PRIMARY KEY, review frozen<tuple<text, text, decimal>> ) INSERT INTO user_reviews (userid, review ) VALUES ( 9b02528d-75af-41d9-866e-75d189f57118, ('awesome', 'This App is awesome', 4.8)) // Below will raise error due to wrong insertion order INSERT INTO user_reviews (userid, review ) VALUES ( 9b02528d-75af-41d9-866e-75d189f57118...