93.3 Register for a Google Play Developer Console Account
The first step in the application submission process is to create a Google Play Developer Console account. To do so, navigate to https://play.google.com/apps/publish/signup/ and follow the instructions to complete the registration process. Note that there is a one-time $25 fee to register. Once an application goes on sale, Google will keep 30% of all revenues associated with the application.
Once the account has been created, the next step is to gather together information about the application. In order to bring your application to market, the following information will be required:
•Title – The title of the application.
•Short Description - Up to 80 words describing the application.
•Full Description – Up to 4000 words describing the application.
•Screenshots – Up to 8 screenshots of your application running (a minimum of two is required). Google recommends submitting...