85.3 Obtaining Your Developer Signature
Before an application can make use of the Google Maps Android API, it must first be registered within the Google APIs Console. Before an application can be registered, however, the developer signature (also referred to as the SHA-1 fingerprint) associated with your development environment must be identified. This is contained in a keystore file located in the .android subdirectory of your home directory and may be obtained using the keytool utility provided as part of the Java SDK. In order to make the process easier, however, Android Studio adds some additional files to the project when the Google Maps Activity option is selected during the project creation process. One of these files is named google_maps_api.xml and is located in the app -> res -> values folder of the project.
Contained within the google_maps_api.xml file is a link to the Google Developer console. Copy and paste this link into a browser window. Once loaded, a page...