Writing the match-3 game
Now it is time to start the development of a finished match-3 game. A match-3 is a type of puzzle where a player needs to align tiles in order to make adjacent tiles disappear. Here, 3
stands for the number of same-color tiles that will disappear when put into adjacent positions. The following screenshot is of the final version of the game:

We use a set of 22 monomino, domino, tromino, tetromino, and pentomino shapes in our game:

Since most of the impressions come from the results visualized on-screen, let us proceed with the essentials of how the game screen is rendered.
Getting ready
The complete ready-to-build source code is located in the 1_Game
folder of the supplementary materials.
This game was released in 2011 by the book's authors on Google Play in a somewhat extended form. You can find this game on the following websites, if you want to try it on your Android device immediately: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.linderdaum.engine.multibricks and...