Accuracy – optimizing for success
When it comes to DL, we can only truly grapple with its performance. Even from a performance perspective, a lot of DL projects fail to give the results their own engineers are hoping for, so it’s important to manage expectations. This is doubly true if you’re managing the expectations of your leadership team as well. If you’re a product manager or entrepreneur and you’re thinking of incorporating DL, do so in the spirit of science and curiosity. Remain open about your expectations.
But make sure you’re setting your team up for success. A big part of your ANN’s performance also lies in the data preparation you take before you start pre-training your models. Passing your data through an ANN is the last step in your pipeline. If you don’t have good validation or if the quality of your data is poor, you’re not going to see positive results. Then, once you feel confident that you have enough data...