Plane alignment with Meshmixer
In a 3D software program, we have to be able to orient ourselves in this virtual space to be able to work in it. This is typically achieved by modeling on a plane in the workspace. Meshmixer generates a grid plane and a model is then positioned somewhere on or within it. We can see this illustrated in the following image:

Meshmixer imports the rabbit sitting on the plane and imports the sphere with the plane bisecting it. Depending on how a model is positioned in the Cartesian space of another 3D program, the positioning, when importing into Meshmixer, can be anywhere in relation to this plane.
Meshmixer orients the y axis going up from the surface of the plane. You'll find that the other programs in this book will not have this configuration. The z axis will travel up from the plane. This isn't a problem when sculpting the model in Meshmixer, but it does make a difference when using a modification tool, which depends on the plane for orientation.