Slack is our favorite place for wasting time and sharing gifs collaborating with colleagues and peers, but right now (Wednesday 27 June) Slack is experiencing significant connectivity issues. It's not yet clear what the cause of the outage is, but Slack are aware of the issues and working to fix them.
At around 6.30am PDT, Slack posted a tweet: "We're investigating connectivity for all workspaces, thanks for your patience, we'll have updates shortly."
Another update just after 7am PDT stated "our team is still looking into the cause of the connectivity issues, and we'll continue to update you on our progress."
As you'd expect, with Slack down, people have been taking to Twitter. Fortunately for Slack, most of the comments weren't actually that unkind or angry. Instead, they've done what anyone would do - make funny jokes and memes.
Here are some of the best from quick witted Tweeters in temporary exile from the messaging app:
One user noted that now Slack was down, productivity might go up. The irony, of course, being that he was simply part of the wider exodus of part-time comedians and procrastinators to Twitter:
Some traditionalists thought that the outage might actually be a good thing for IRL interaction - once again, the irony of airing their thoughts in the digital environs of Twitter lost on them...
With Fortnite also facing a number of connectivity issues, some users were quick to draw parallels...
While the Slack outage is largely a carnival of memes and jokes, spare a thought for the Slack support team on Twitter. They're truly doing a hero's work. One Twitter user praised the Slack team's service on social:
However frustrated the media and technology world's become with the Slack outage one thing's for certain - no one's talking about moving to Skype yet.
Read next:
Someone made a program to make it look like you’re typing on Slack when someone else is