Creating a printer connection with Group Policy
Let's say you just installed a new network printer in the office. You have installed it on a few computers to make sure it works properly, but now you are staring down the rows and rows of computers that would like to print to this printer occasionally. The prospect of logging into every computer in order to launch and walk through the printer creation wizard isn't sounding like the way you would like to spend your Friday night. Let's see whether we can, once again, make use of Group Policy to save the day. We will utilize a new GPO that will be configured to automatically install this new printer on the client desktops.
Getting ready
We are assuming you have already created the new GPO and have linked it accordingly so that only computers that need this new printer are going to receive these GPO settings. We are going to use the Group Policy Management console on our Windows 10 computer that has RSAT installed.