Using timelines for feedback to users
As we have seen so far, animations are a simple way of adding some visual interest to your application. But we have only seen so far the ability to add animations in a non-user driven animation. With any application, most animations are going to be user driven or respond to users.
In this example, we will take our previous example on a timeline and another sample timeline and place buttons to react to each button.
Getting ready
Since we are using the existing timeline example, we are going to simply expand it by adding an additional storyboard that we can swap between. Open the existing application and go to your objects and timeline window. Click the plus button to add an additional storyboard.
This additional storyboard will be used to flip the individual circles using projection. Select all four circles and insert a keyframe at the zero timeframe and another keyframe at two second timeframe. While on the two second time slot, set the Projection settings...