Time for action – Using floats
Floats are used when we need something that doesn't have nice neat values, like how far away something is or how accurate a weapon is. They're declared the same way as our bools and ints, so let's make one now.
Replace our int declaration with this:
var float DistanceToGo;
Floats have a default value of 0.0. Let's change our
function to check this.function PostBeginPlay() { 'log("Distance to go:" @ DistanceToGo); }
Compile and test, and our log should look like this:
[0007.61] ScriptLog: Distance to go: 0.0000
We can see that unlike ints, floats will log with a decimal place. Let's see if we can change the value. Add this line to the beginning of our
function:DistanceToGo = 0.123;
Compile and test, and we should see the fraction show up in the log:
[0007.68] ScriptLog: Distance to go: 0.123
Let's see what happens when we use the same line we did for our int. Change the line to this:
DistanceToGo = 10 / 3;
Compile and test, and our log should...