Replicating function calls
We've been using variables and functions a bit with our replication experiments, but we haven't quite talked about how to use functions to their fullest extent with replication. First up we're going to talk about the function modifiers we can use and how they affect when and where the functions are called.
Replication function modifiers
We talked briefly about these back in Chapter 5, insert Using Functions, and now it's time to take a closer look. These function modifiers only apply when we're working in an online environment; if we were making a single-player game these wouldn't matter.
Reliable versus Unreliable
The meaning of these is pretty self explanatory. Functions designated as reliable will always be sent across the network. Even if bandwidth is saturated these function calls will eventually be replicated. On the other hand, unreliable function calls aren't guaranteed to make it to their destination. In a lot of cases we're not worried about this as the function...