Displaying a list of all game objects
While developing a game, it would be great to have a list of all objects in the game along with their properties. The World Editor can be used to some extent, but it only provides access to those objects that were loaded by the level. It doesn't provide access to objects dynamically created by the game play scripts. In this recipe, we'll look into gaining access to all objects in a game, regardless of how they were generated.
Getting ready
For this recipe we will be working with the console while a game is running. Start up your own game or launch the FPS Tutorial
game that comes with Torque 3D, and load a level to run your character through.
How to do it...
In the following steps we will discover how to view a list of all objects in the game engine:
Open the console using the tilde (~) key.
Enter the following at the bottom of the screen:
The Torque SimView window will open, displaying a tree list of all objects on the left-hand side, and the properties...