The Quote tab
These settings manage quote creation and maintenance for CPQ quotes:
- Disable Initial Quote Sync: When a rep creates the first quote from an opportunity, by default, Salesforce CPQ creates quote lines for each of the opportunity products. When this setting is active, CPQ will not create these quote lines.
- Primary Quote Keeps Opportunity Products: In the previous chapters, we have seen that when a quote is marked as primary, the quote products are synched from quote to opportunity. When the primary quote is moved from quote A to quote B, the related products are pushed to the opportunity.
For example, let's think that quote A has two products, product A and product B, and quote B has two other products, product C and product D. When quote A is set as primary, product A and product B will be synched to the opportunity. When the primary quote is moved from quote A to quote B, the opportunity products will be automatically changed to product C and...