Levenshtein Distance
Levenshtein distance is an advanced concept. We can think of it as the minimum number of single-character edits that are needed to convert one string into another. When two strings are identical, the distance between them is 0 – the bigger the difference, the higher the number. We can consider a threshold of distance, under which we will consider two strings as the same. Thus, we can not only rectify human error but also spread a safety net so that we don't pass all the candidates. Levenshtein distance calculation is an involved process, and we are not going to implement it from scratch here. Thankfully, like a lot of other things, there is a library available for us to do this. It is called python-Levenshtein
Additional Software Required for This Section
The code for this exercise depends on two additional libraries. We need to install SciPy
and python-Levenshtein
, libraries. To install the libraries, type the following command in the running...