- Access Control List (ACL) / Installing the user manager bundle
- AJAX requests
- debugging, profiler used / The AJAX requests
- API controller
- adding / Adding a new controller
- AppBundle
- about / Everything is a bundle
- recreating / Recreating AppBundle
- application, preparing
- steps / Preparing an application
- code, checking against debug code / Checking the code against debug code
- error pages, customizing / Customizing error pages
- production server requirements, verifying / Verifying the production server requirements
- security check / Security check
- basic assets, updating / Updating the basic assets and metadata
- metadata, updating / Updating the basic assets and metadata
- web root directory, modifying / Changing the web root directory
- Assetic
- about / Assetic
- URL / Assetic
- assets management, Twig templating engine
- about / Assets management
- Assetic / Assetic
- third-party bundles assets, handling / Handling third-party bundle assets
- application...