Custom code and Squarespace
A confession – I will not be able to teach you everything about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in this chapter. In fact, because there are so many incredible resources to use to learn about these languages and tools, I’ll barely scratch the surface of these basics here, but I will end this chapter with a list of places where you can learn the fundamentals of using code and applying them to Squarespace. What we will focus on are the ways that you can use custom code on Squarespace, some common pitfalls, and opportunities to make a big impact on your site.
Truly, since Fluid Engine has become available on Squarespace, the need to use custom code to force the platform to do things that it wouldn’t normally do has decreased dramatically. Elements such as collapsing and expanding text — once built using HTML and CSS — can now be accomplished with an accordion block. Yay! Scrolling text can be added to your site using the marquee...